Τρίτη 7 Ιουλίου 2009

Μέρα 2 - Day 2

Σήμερα συνεχίσαμε με τις δραστηριότητες και πήραμε φακέλους με σημειωματάρια, στυλό κτλ. Στη συνέχεια “υπογράψαμε” το συμβόλαιο με τους κανόνες του σπιτιού. Μετά από δραστηριότητες όπως το παιχνίδι με τις ασπίδες ή αυτό με τα μπαλόνια, είχαμε ένα διάλογο σχετικά με τον ορισμό της λέξης “ξένος” και το πώς ξεκίνησε η “ξενοφοβία”. Το μεσημεριανό φαγητό ακολούθησε ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον εργαστήριο με τη δημιουργία και παρουσίαση κόμικς, παραστάσεων, κολάζ και τραγουδιών σχετικά με την ξενοφοβία. Ακολουθεί το δείπνο και η διαπολιτισμική βραδιά με φαγητά, ποτά και μουσική από τις συμμετέχουσες χώρες.

Today we went over the activities of the day and they gave us our envelopes with the note pads, the pens etc. We formed our own “contract” with the rules of his training and we finger-painted our signatures underneath! Then we played the “shield” game in which we talked about ourselves in pairs. Our country, what we like, about our organisation and our dreams. Then we played the “balloon” game in order to learn our names even better and after that we wrote and talked about our fears, our strengths and our expectations from this training. When we finished, one of the new trainers introduced himself and we talked about the definition of the “other” which is the meaning of the word “xenos” in Greek, and the beginning of the word “xenophobia”. Then we had lunch as usual, we had an energizer and started a wonderful workshop where 6 groups created comics, plays, collages, songs and constructions about xenophobia and as the participants said during the debriefing later, they enjoyed the process so much that they didn’t feel tired at all! We had just had dinner and now we are getting ready to spend an intercultural evening at the square of the village of Orma! I can’t even imagine the faces of the villagers when they see a bunch of English-speaking young people interacting in the middle of the square!

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